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September - Breathing Colour 1
The late Canadian summer, in Alberta around the end of September boost a festival of colours in the Alberta Boreal forests.This specific season, also known as Indian Summer, is know for its rich yellows of Aspen, Birches and leach trees mixed with the greens of the Canadian conifers covering the prairies.
Photographer and nature lovers alike look forward to this part of the year. Each time slightly differently, depending on temperatures, and sunshine the foliage changes its colours all of a sudden or slowly over several weeks
This phot was taken near the Athabasca River, south of the town of Smith, Alberta, on a hike in late summer 2021.
I particularly enjoyed the slow changing of the couours this year resulting in this beautiful mix of oranges, yellows and greens around the black and white bark of the birches.

Breathing Colour 1
July - Serenity 1
When I saw my first flock of pelicans in the prairies, some years ago, I was as surprised as some might be now reading about them here.
Pelicans are not the typical animal associated with the Alberta prairies. However, they are native to the prairies, in particular the American White Pelican.
From late April until fall you can find the pelicans roam the lakes of the prairies, as far north as the shores of the Great Slave Lake in the North West Territories. Sometimes you can find them even in the even in cities like Edmonton and Calgary. They are some of the largest birds on the planet.
This photograph of a Pelican family flying into the sunset was taken near Hasse Lake, west of Edmonton, which is a great place to watch Pelicans and other birds during the summer months.... They surely are magnificent to watch.

Serenity 1 - Pelicans in the Paririe
June - Alberta Bliss
These grassy fields cover the prairies the southern parts of Alberta as far as the eye can see, stretching far beyond the horizon. The typical colour trio of green,white and blue inadvertently evokes the feel of a bright sunny summer day in the country.
Since the motive of this photograph reminded me of the arguably most famous Windows desktop background ever, I titled this work "Alberta Bliss", as a reference to the name Microsoft gave the image for their 1995 software background: "Bliss".
The photo was taken along a highway near Milk River, Alberta. Not far from the Montana border.

Alberta Bliss