These photographs of the WSP Place, which also hosts one of Edmontons Central Social Hall venues, are created using a special camera technique called ICM.
This stands for “In Camera Movement” and means that the camera is being moved during the exposure in order to create light and blur effects in the image.

In this case, I combined swinging the camera on its tripod, light trails of vehicles driving by and a method I call “step zoom”, where I adjust the zoom of the lens while the photo is taken.

Originally I was planning to take ”normal” photos of the building, when I realized the large LED strips along its facade make it the perfect subject for this camera technique.

The LEDs light up in different colours and to my knowledge the blue/orange scheme was in support of the oilers game that night 😃

I tried a variety of movements and this is the first set of photos from that night. These would make very unique photo art prints so I added a couple of print visualizations. Let ma know what you think 😃

Wall art print Mockups of the ICM Light Trail photographs:

Canon 6D, EF 17-40 Zoom, 15-20s, LR and PS to edit and straighten the images.
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